This is the #1 Threat to Creative Success

This is the #1 Threat to Creative Success

Hey everyone,

Ever find yourself with a bunch of good ideas, but then you hit the brakes, thinking, “I’ll do it later”? Or maybe you're trying to make everything just perfect and end up not starting at all. Sound familiar?

Yea, I've been there too—more times than I can count. So today, let's dive into the #1 threat to creative success. I'll explain why this happens and share how I try to overcome this myself.

Here’s the thing: waiting for perfection and procrastinating are big-time creativity killers. They stop us from experimenting, learning, and actually doing the stuff we want to achieve.

But good news – you can totally get past this. It's all about just starting with what you've got, right where you are. It's better to do something a bit messy than doing nothing at all. Yes, even if it's not perfect. It's all about progress, not perfection.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner. You get better by doing, making mistakes, and learning from them.

One thing that really helps me is breaking down big tasks into smaller, manageable steps. I write them down and tackle them one at a time. It keeps things from feeling too overwhelming, and there’s something super satisfying about crossing off each item.

And about being perfect? Think of it like learning to ride a bike. You don’t wait until you're a pro cyclist to start. You get on, maybe wobble a bit, fall, but then you get back up and keep going. Every time, you improve. Same goes for creative work.

I’ve always treated my YouTube channel this way. I just create the best videos I can with whatever skillset I possess at the time. I upload them, learn from the mistakes, and try to make the next one 1% better.

Fun fact: I procrastinated on starting this newsletter for almost a year. I was scared, didn’t know where to begin. But I took my own advice, broke it down, and boom – here we are!

So, whatever you’re hesitating to start, just dive in. Take that first step. It gets easier, I promise.

Catch you in the next one!

Arnúlfur aka That Icelandic Guy

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