My Simple Content Creation System (for normal people)!

My Simple Content Creation System (for normal people)!

👋 Hey everyone!

This June marks my 8th year on YouTube, which is almost a decade (I could have gotten a PhD and made my mama proud 😂).

But instead, I chose to dive all-in on photography and content creation, because that's where my heart is—and hey, I’m nothing if not logical.

In this time, I've made over 572 YouTube videos—about 1.32 videos a week (here’s my old channel, but don’t click, it’s embarrassing).

And then there's the mountain of Instagram and TikTok content on top of that—it’s a lot of reps put in.

Creating this much content requires systems and generating a constant stream of ideas.

So today, I want to share:

  • How I generate an endless number of ideas

  • The systems I use to create good-shit content

Let’s dive in.

🧠 Never run out of ideas again

A good idea is, without a doubt, the most important factor when it comes to creating outstanding content.

But how do you consistently come up with them?

I think idea generation is like training a muscle: the more you do it, the better you'll become.

One of the biggest game-changers for me was carving out time specifically dedicated to brainstorming content ideas.

1-2 times a week, I spend an hour or two writing down new video ideas.

I can't emphasize enough how much of a difference this makes.

Personally, I like to use Notion (you can find my template here), but a simple Google Doc or notepad works too.

The key is just to sit down and start writing.

I also keep a pen and paper by my bed. It's a bit cliché, but I often get ideas when I'm about to sleep.

If I don't write them down immediately, I never remember them.

✹ Getting inspired

You don't always need to reinvent the wheel.

If something works for someone else, it might work for you too.

I like watching YouTube content outside my niche, seeing what top creators in other fields are doing, and adapting what works for them to my own niche.

So, explore beyond your bubble—you might be the first to bring something unique into your space.

I also love the Creator Hooks newsletter.

Each week, they break down successful YouTube titles and help templatize them. Highly recommend!

đŸ› ïž My systems to crank out a ton of content

To produce this much content, I rely on solid systems.

I'll break down my content pillars in future newsletters.

But for talking-head videos and short-form content, I always batch film and edit.

Doing this transformed my entire approach.

I don't turn on the camera unless I have a few videos scripted and ready to go.

Specifically, I aim for at least 2+ long-form talking head videos or 10+ short-form videos.

This saves me a lot of time because setting everything up and getting into the right mindset takes effort.

So, once I'm filming, I find it's best to make the most of that momentum.

Alright that’s enough for today, catch you all in the next one.


đŸ€ Let me help you create better content!