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The irritating problem holding every creator back (& how to solve it)

The irritating problem holding every creator back (& how to solve it)

Hey everyone,

As I'm sitting here on a rainy day with my third cup of coffee, I thought I'd share a bit of my story.

So today, let's get personal. đŸ€

👀 My Humble Beginnings

You see, I used to suck at creating content. Like, really suck.

my old setup

This is from my old magic channel (yep, I was a professional magician).

And you might not believe it, but I had actually spent ages trying to get that backdrop looking perfect 😂.

I just wanted it to be as sick as what other creators had.

But let’s be honest—it wasn’t catching any fishes (that’s a saying we use in Iceland, we measure worth in fish).

Plus let’s not get started at my delivery, the way I talked to the camera
 I honestly can’t watch that shit.

But, looking back at those videos though, I can see how far I've come.

my current setup

đŸŒ± Why Starting Is Everything

Why does this matter?

You see I often get messages from people who want to go full-time as creators but don't know where to start.

Like me, they overthink it, aim for a perfect plan, and end up overwhelmed and procrastinating—never starting at all.

But guys (and the few ladies that follow me—yes, I study my analytics), we all start somewhere, and honestly, we all start out by pretty much sucking ass.

And that's perfectly fine.

To get good at something, you have to start doing it.

Take my new course I launched earlier this week—it's my third course, but it was the first time I ever made a landing page myself.

I didn’t really know what I was doing, dived in headfirst, and... the initial feedback on the site, was that it was pretty unclear and lame.

A bit embarrassed, I spent all of yesterday revamping the page, and now it’s looking mighty fine! (I think - BTW feel free to send me feedback, that be much appreciated)

🚀 The Power of Just Starting

So, why am I sharing this?

Because you learn by doing.

Just like when I started creating content, I didn’t have all the answers.

But by getting my hands dirty, I figured things out along the way.

With each upload, I improved.

So, if you’re sitting on an idea or a project you really want to start—just dive in.

You’ll make mistakes, sure, but those are golden opportunities to learn dammit!

I firmly believe you can’t really fail.

In life, you either win or you learn—either way, you’re moving forward.

Alright, enough from me for now.

L8er sk8er,

P.S. I've received great feedback on the lighting setup course. 

It packs over a decade of my experience into a fun, educational program that'll take your studio from zero to hero.

You don’t need to spend a thousands on gear—just the right lighting, angles, and skills, which I cover comprehensively in the course.

BTW there’s only 3 days left on the launch offer! 🚀

đŸ€ Let me help you!